Rowan’s newest 3+1 = business degree with a global focus close to home
Tuesday, Jun 02, 2020

campus photo facing the Student Success Center

Rowan University and Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC) have added Business Administration: Global Business and Leadership to their popular 3+1 offerings that allow students to earn an associate and bachelor’s degree for less than what most universities charge for a single year of tuition.

“We are very excited to offer this new 3+1 path for the next generation of global business leaders,” Rowan University President Dr. Ali Houshmand said. “This new program is particularly intriguing because it allows students to earn their associate, bachelor’s degree and master’s degree without leaving Burlington County."

“This program has more value today than when we first started working on it as many families look for options closer to home because of the pandemic,” he added.

RCBC will begin offering junior-year courses in business in fall 2021, which means students enrolling now for the fall for the freshmen or sophomore year will be eligible. Students will complete their associate degree (recommended path in Business or Accounting), stay with RCBC for their junior year and then complete their senior year as Rowan University students on the Mount Laurel Campus. Students will then be eligible to pursue their MBA, which Rowan University offers from RCBC’s Mount Laurel Campus.

Business is among the most popular majors at RCBC. 

“From day one, we were committed to growing our 3+1 offerings in ways that benefit students and meet the demands of our industry partners. We have received more calls to add business than any other major,” RCBC President Dr. Michael A. Cioce said. “We want to provide a seamless affordable path that allows students to earn the valuable credentials without leaving their community or amassing high levels of debt.”

“Our latest 3+1 program equals a business degree with a global focus that you can complete close to home,” Cioce added.

  • Students who are new to RCBC need to apply to the college at

  • Current RCBC students can fill out the 3+1 form in their WebAdvisor account.

Students interested in this path should reach out to to make sure they take the proper courses leading up to their junior year.

Since launching New Jersey’s first 3+1 program with junior-year classes in spring 2017, the program has grown to nine majors. Currently, there are 840 students in their junior or senior year with 838 freshmen and sophomores who have signed up for the program. Entering the spring semester, 162 3+1 students have earned their associate and bachelor’s degree and saved themselves $4.3 million in tuition. 

For more information, visit 3+1 includes Biology, Communications, Business, Computing and Informatics, Inclusive Education, Law and Justice, Liberal Studies, Nursing and Psychology.