RCBC to discuss educational opportunity at tomorrow's Facebook Town Hall
Tuesday, Sep 08, 2020

Student Success Center with thumbs up and heart icons

Ever wonder what kind of programs are available to help college students who need additional support? Established in 1968, New Jersey’s Educational Opportunity Fund provides financial, academic and personal development assistance to eligible students. Since its inception, it has helped countless students statewide. 

At the local level, Rowan College at Burlington County’s EOF program serves over 100 students per year by offering scholarships, one-on-one counseling, career readiness workshops, transfer planning, peer-to-peer mentoring and more. 

“It’s just an overall great experience, and you meet so many wonderful people through the program,” EOF scholar Nazim Tijani said. 

Join RCBC at 1 pm, on Wednesday, September 9, for a Facebook Town Hall highlighting students who have benefitted from this program. RCBC’s EOF Director Dr. Edith Corbin will join student Nazim Tijani for a lively discussion. 

To learn more about RCBC’s EOF program, visit rcbc.edu/eof.