RCBC’s Give Kids a Smile to offer free dental care throughout February
Thursday, Jan 14, 2021

Dental hygiene students providing care to child while Barry observes

February is the perfect month to think about new beginnings, love and teeth? That’s right. It’s Give Kids a Smile month! This national initiative helps underserved children get the dental care they need - for FREE. Rowan College at Burlington County will join the charge along with over 1,500 organizations across the country. 

Throughout the entire month, RCBC's Dental Hygiene Clinic will offer FREE dental care to children ages 13 and under. Services include screenings, cleanings, fluoride treatments and sealants to protect permanent teeth. 

“We care about the health and well-being of all of our patients, and since the onset of the pandemic, we’ve implemented COVID-specific protocols, including touchless temperature checks, a virtual waiting area, mask requirements, frequent disinfecting with medical-grade cleaners and more,” RCBC’s Director of Dental Hygiene Gail Vasilenko said. “Unfortunately, tooth decay doesn’t take a break during a pandemic, but neither will we. We look forward to serving our community during this great time of need.”

Give Kids a Smile aims to draw attention to the number one childhood disease: tooth decay. The event will take place at RCBC’s Dental Hygiene Clinic throughout February. To schedule an appointment for your child, please call (856) 291-4215. 

For more information, visit rcbc.edu/dental