This pathway leads to a Bachelor of Arts in Law and Justice Studies from Rowan University!

3+1 students must earn at least one associate degree prior to transitioning into senior year. We recommend an associate degree in Criminal Justice (AS.CRJ). Students must use courses from the associate degree to satisfy requirements listed below.

This is a sample schedule.  Please see your personalized plan in AVISO if you have already signed up for 3+1.


Sample Schedule for 3+1 Law and Justice Studies

RCBC Courses: total of 90 credits

Semester 1 (15 credits)

  • ENG 101 College Composition I
  • PSY 101 Intro to Psychology
  • MTH 107 Intro to Statistics
  • Artistic Literacy: ART 101, MUS 101, or THR 101
  • CRJ 101 Intro to Criminal Justice

Semester 2 (15 credits)

  • ENG 102 College Composition II
  • History (see associate degree for options)
  • Natural Science (see associate degree for options)
  • 100 Level CRJ course: CRJ 102, CRJ 103, or CRJ 106
  • 2nd 100 Level CRJ Course: CRJ 102, CRJ 103, or CRJ 106

Semester 3 (16 credits)

  • Natural Science with Lab (see associate degree for options)
  • Elective (recommend take 3rd 100 level CRJ course CRJ 102, CRJ 103, or CRJ 106)
  • CRJ Elective: CRJ 223, 224, 207 or 218
  • SOC 101 Principles of Sociology
  • Elective

Semester 4 (15 credits)

  • Diversity Course (see associate degree for options)
  • CRJ 111 Criminal Law
  • POL 101 American Government
  • SOC 201 Social Problems
  • SPE 102 Public Speaking

Semester 5 (15 credits)

  • CRJ 310 Theories of Crime
  • PHI 101 Introduction of Philosophy or PHI 205 Ethics
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective

Semester 6 (14 credits)

  • CRJ 315 Drugs and Crime in America
  • Literature (PHI 205 or any RCBC LIT except LIT 215 and LIT 218
  • CRJ Elective: CRJ 223, 224, 207 or 218
  • Elective
  • Elective


Check self-service for prerequisite requirements and associate degree requirements.

Electives are any RCBC course; email for questions about electives.

If you complete all recommended and required courses, earn an AS.CRJ degree after semester 4.

CRJ 310 is in-person in the fall and online in the spring; must be signed up for 3+1 to register for this course.

CRJ 315 is online in the fall and in-person in the spring; must be signed up for 3+1 to register for this course.

CRJ 310 is a prerequisite for LAWJ 05.380 in senior year.



Rowan University Courses: 30 credits

Courses are taken in a hybrid format (online and in Mount Laurel) or fully online

Semester 1(15 credits)

  • LAWJ 05.380 Criminal Justice Research (3SH)
  • LAWJ 05.401 Law and Human rights (3SH)
  • Free Elective or Core Literacy
  • Free Elective or Core Literacy
  • Free Elective or Core Literacy

Semester 2 (15 credits)

  • LAWJ 05.356 Criminal Justice Internship (3SH)
  • LAWJ 05.469 Law and Justice Seminar (WI) (3SH)
  • Free Elective or Core Literacy
  • Free Elective or Core Literacy
  • Free Elective or Core Literacy


Meet with Rowan University Advisor prior to senior year to confirm schedule.

LAWJ 05.380 is pre-req for LAWJ 05.356.

Must take a minimum of 30 credits with Rowan University.

Total credits required for BA is 120 between Rowan University credits and transfer credits.