Third-party or sponsorships is a billing method by which an entity such as an organization, company, corporation, government agency, etc. can establish direct invoicing and payment on behalf of the student.

To initiate the process, the student must complete the required forms (a voucher in some instances) validating which charges are paid by the sponsor or the student. Please see the list below of various third parties and sponsors. You can submit your third-party payment documentation to RCBC via email at

Military Benefits
  • McGuire AFB
  • AmeriCorps
  • MyCAA
  • Army
  • Navy
  • Ch31 Voc Rehab
  • Ch33 Post 911 GI Bill

Visit RCBC’s Military Education and Veteran Services page for more information.


Please click here for a list of employers who pay for their employees’ training and education at RCBC.

  • Commission for the Blind
  • Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
  • Trade Act
  • Florida Prepaid
Public Partnerships

Public partnerships are not invoiced.

  • Inspira
  • AtlantiCare

Important Information
Per RCBC’s Student Financial Responsibility Agreement, all charges incurred by the student or assessed as a result of registration and/or receipt of services or fines (tuition, fees, etc.) are the responsibility of the student. If a third-party or sponsor fails to pay a portion or all of the charges, the student will be responsible for the balance.

Be aware of the terms and conditions of your third-party payer or sponsor. Here are some examples:

  • Whether the sponsor covers a flat amount, percentage or all charges.
  • Whether the sponsor covers tuition only, or will also cover other charges (fees, books, etc.). It is the obligation of the student to pay any charges not covered by the sponsor.
  • Whether there are conditional criteria such as a minimum or maximum amount of registered credits or minimum grade requirements.

Any student who changes their course registration/schedule for any reason or if their financial aid is recalculated, please contact RCBC’s Office of Student Accounts so that your account can be adjusted.

Ensure documents are signed before sending. Send all documents in PDF format. Most documents don't get processed until after the drop/add period for billing purposes.

Third-party/Sponsor Overpayment and Refunds
Once invoiced, payment is expected from the third-party or sponsor for the exact amount invoiced. If a student drops a course, is awarded financial aid or their student account is adjusted, the charges will change from the amount invoiced. If the third-party sponsor pays more than the balance due for the student, we will issue the overpayment back to the originating sponsor.